A Brief Review of Things Said to Cause Autism

Scientists in Australia have developed a genetic test to predict autism spectrum disorder in children. This might sound like the “breakthrough” that some parents are looking for. Personally, I’ve heard so many different things that are said to be the cause of autism that I have grown jaded. Here is a quick round-up of a few of them. Let’s start with the most recent story. Scientists in Australia used United States data from more than 3,000 people who have autism in a recent study. The scientists identified 237 genetic markers and 146 genes and related cellular pathways. The scientists say … Continue reading

A Few More Studies About the Causes of Autism

It seems to me that there is a constant stream of news articles regarding studies that have found the cause of autism. I’ve heard so many different ideas about the cause of autism that I am having trouble figuring out which one is correct. This week, there are two more studies that may, or may not, have found the cause of autism. Right now, it seems that the only thing that is known for certain is that immunizations do not cause autism. There have been a plethora of other studies that pin the cause of autism on a wide variety … Continue reading

Risk of Autism Increases if Older Sibling Has Autism

Researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute have done a study that reveals that an infant who has an older sibling who has autism has an increased risk of developing autism as well. The percentage of risk is actually higher than had previously been estimated. Parents of a child who has autism should make sure that child’s younger siblings are screened for this disorder. The study involved 664 infants. The average age of the infants at enrollment was about 8 months. Two thirds of them were younger than 6 months of age. Researchers followed the babies development until the infant … Continue reading

Autism Risk and the New Sibling Link

There has always been speculation about the link among siblings and autism. Having one child with autism increases the risk that his or her siblings will have it too. But recent research now shows that the risk is even higher than scientist and doctors once believed. In fact, a new study shows that parents who have one child with autism have an incredible one in five chance of having a second child with autism. Previous research suggested that the risk was only one in ten. I’ve seen this first hand with families. Parents who are having to support not just … Continue reading